En kupp på Atlanten 1936


In order to give up her life of crime and go straight, renowned jewel thief Sophie Lang fakes her own death and retires to London. She soon finds a job as a companion to a wealthy old lady ...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: The Return of Sophie Lang The Return of Sophie Lang
  • AT: Um den Krüger-Diamanten Um den Krüger-Diamanten
  • BR: A Volta de Miss Lang A Volta de Miss Lang
  • BR: A Volta de Sophie Lang A Volta de Sophie Lang
  • DK: Det store juveltyveri Det store juveltyveri
  • FR: Le retour de Sophie Lang Le retour de Sophie Lang
  • DE: Um den Krügerdiamanten Um den Krügerdiamanten
  • PT: O Regresso de Miss Lang O Regresso de Miss Lang
Data di rilascio 18 Jun 1936
Link IMDb
