Luffar-Petter 1922


Peter joins the army after fleeing from the repercussions of a love affair. Greta is one of the daughters of a mayor from the army. Her father is the major, at whose town Peter's army regiment is stationed. Peter's escapades inclu...

Tutti i titoli
  • BR: Pedro, O Vagabundo Pedro, O Vagabundo
  • FI: Maailman Matti Maailman Matti
  • DE: Peter, der Vagabund Peter, der Vagabund
  • PL: Petter włóczęga Petter włóczęga
  • VE: Pedro el vagabundo Pedro el vagabundo
  • YU: Lutalica Piter Lutalica Piter
Data di rilascio 26 Dec 1922
Link IMDb
