Lustans skörd 1963


A pretty young woman will do anything to escape her deadly dull existence in the backlots of Wales. But when she reaches the bright lights of London is the price too high?

Tutti i titoli
  • UA: Bitter Harvest Bitter Harvest
  • BR: Odeio o Meu Passado Odeio o Meu Passado
  • GR: Pikros therismos Pikros therismos
  • NL: Meisjes in verkeerde handen Meisjes in verkeerde handen
  • UA: Schule des süßen Lebens Schule des süßen Lebens
  • UA: Tal der Begierde Tal der Begierde
  • YU: Gorka zetva Gorka zetva
Data di rilascio 10 Oct 1963
Link IMDb
