Prärieflirt 1919


The marshal of a wild Kansas border town is killed in a gunfight in a saloon. His son, Cheyenne Harry, shoots dead two of the killers. Not wanting to lose both her son and her husband to gun violence, Harry's mother gets him to ag...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Bare Fists Bare Fists
  • BR: A Promessa A Promessa
  • FR: Le serment de Black Billy Le serment de Black Billy
  • IT: A pugni nudi A pugni nudi
  • JP: 空拳 空拳
  • UA: Bare Fists Bare Fists
  • US: Bare Fists Bare Fists
  • YU: Golim rukama Golim rukama
Data di rilascio 05 May 1919
Link IMDb
