Vildmarksdoktorn 1940


Jim Holden, a young doctor practicing in Alaska, eagerly awaits the arrival of his new nurse, Anne Webster. All of his previous nurses have been driven home within a few weeks by the rigors of the Alaskan winter, the primitive con...

Tutti i titoli
  • US: Girl from God's Country Girl from God's Country
  • BR: Escravas dos Deuses Escravas dos Deuses
  • FR: L'homme traqué L'homme traqué
  • MX: Tragedia en el Ártico Tragedia en el Ártico
  • PT: Horizontes Brancos Horizontes Brancos
  • ES: Al servicio del deber Al servicio del deber
  • TR: Şimal Kutbunda Bir Kız Şimal Kutbunda Bir Kız
  • US: Girl from God's Country Girl from God's Country
Data di rilascio 30 Jul 1940
Link IMDb
